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Faith's Pumpkin Carving Party

Faith’s Pumpkin Carving Party

die, pumpkin, die pumpkin guts! bucket o' pumpkin guts

Faith was kind enough to invite me over for a pumpkin carving party this year. Which was really nice because without having an excuse to do something like that I tend to just forget that it’s a holiday at all. And even for a silly little holiday like halloween, it’s nice to mark it in some way.

Faith particularly likes Fall, and I agree. Even with the encroaching darkness and the back to school feeling, there’s something nice about the crisp newly cool air and the harvest imagery.

flaming pumpkin lineup blurry, spinny, pumpkins

suffocating pumpkin it's hatching from the suitcase

I had to transport my pumpkin on the bus so I ended up stuffing it in my suitcase. Faith gave me a trash bag to take the now carved jack o’lantern back in so I wouldn’t mess up the insides of my suitcase, and when I opened the thing back up it looked like I had some brooding, suffocating head in my suitcase ready to hatch out. Very appropriate for halloween, I suppose.


Comments (1)

On October 30, 2006 6:53 AM,

Comment by Kathryn Boyle:

Very cool. I love the pumpkin in the suitcase. I also liked all the other pictures you put on Flickr. Now you make me wish I'd carved a pumpkin. I supose it isn't too late.....
So, will the Tapir post a picture of her pumpkin?

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