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MT 3.34 and FastCGI

MT 3.34 and FastCGI

Well, looks like Six Apart has released a new version of Movable Type with increased FastCGI support. Presumably this means they’ve finished tweaking the whole MT::Bootstrap setup, etc. Well, I’m glad I didn’t get around to revising my instructions yet.

Hopefully this update will fix the remaining stability problems I’ve been having with my FastCGI setup. Of course they recommend using Apache and Textdrive previously frowned upon that to me, so we’ll see. First I’ll just try the update with my current setup and then I might try it under Apache again to see if that’ll work now. Either way, a more public, stable, and accessible way to use Movable Type under FastCGI is a very good thing if for no other reason than that there will be just that many more people noticing bugs and clamoring for fixes.

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